A competent service team is ready for your service enquiries! Our service hotline takes your request and forwards it to the service staff responsible for you. In most cases, faults can be quickly localised and rectified by telephone or remote maintenance. This shortens downtimes and thus increases the productivity of the machine.

The advantages of BEHRINGER service
- Rapid troubleshooting and remedy of faults
- Shorter repair times through optimum preparation
- Intensive and professional support by experienced staff with many years of experience
- Reliable, individual support
Remote Maintenance and Assist AR
We are there for you - even remotely
If your sawing machine is equipped with an interface for remote maintenance, error analysis can be carried out more efficiently. Our online diagnosis system enables us to recognise the current operating status, read out the error memory and thus provide optimal assistance.
Ba using TeamViewer Assist AR, we offer you the possibility of visual help in real time, which significantly improves remote maintenance and repair. Via tablet or smartphone, you can send live videos to our service team and receive immediate help in case of malfunctions.

Your advantages
- Increased efficiency and effectiveness of fault analysis
- Increased availability
- Cost reduction
- Help from our service team in real time
Remote maintenance for machines with PC control
We look forward to getting in touch with you.
You have questions about our product range, need technical advice or you are looking for a sales partner near you?
Call us or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to advise you.